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Everyday Heroes: Pacific Rim

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  • Description
    PACIFIC RIM CINEMEATIC ADVENTURE - The pan Pacific Defense Corps (PPDC's) powerful new prototype Jaeger, the Fenris Alpha, lies scattered at the edge of a deep ocean trench, its pilots still alive within their protected capsule. The players must fight the Kaijus that defeated the Fenris, rescue the pilots, and get home safely. In Pacific Rim, players can take on the role of PPDC Rangers, piloting Jaegers in the battle against the Kaiju. Adventure can also be found on foot, as heroes deal with the fallout of giant monster attacks. Toxic blood has left whole cities desolate and lawless, the technology used to build Jaegers often falls in the wrong hands, and cults have grown around the Kaiju, worshiping them as gods. Whether in or out of a Jaeger, Pacific Rim offers an exciting world of action for you to explore. Cinematic Adventures are campaign settings that sit on top of the Everyday Heroes rules system. They are 100+ page books that have two parts. Part one gives you new game mechanics that fit the theme o of the property. Part two gives you a full adventure set within that world. There will be something for everyone. Made in the USA.
  • Details
    Publisher: Evil Genius Games